Talent for a Better Society
Advertising, Branding, Image, Poster, PrintTalent for a Better Society

Talent for a Better Society
Talent for a better society is a foundation that brings together high-capacity people who want to change the world. The primary focus of the foundation is a new approach in the field of education, which will globally change the society of the future.
The foundation’s logo is based on the idea of the development and formation of a person with a certain talent.
The Imagotype consists of three elements, each of which corresponds to the main talents that a person can have. The base element (below) corresponds to a potential talent. The middle element corresponds to the hidden talent. The first element corresponds to natural talent.
These three elements in their interaction form the letter T, the first letter of the foundation name, as a symbol of uniting people with different talents.
As a result, a simple, understandable, recognizable, easily reproducible mark is formed that reflects the basic values of the Talents for a better society foundation.